Monday, March 3, 2014

The Importance of Privacy

The other day, I was asked why privacy of patron records was important.  The person asking the question just did  not understand why I was making such a big deal of it.  This little thing about a patron's privacy was getting between him and his goal.  Couldn't I just forget about this privacy thing just this once?

I have been working in libraries for over sixteen years.  Most of that time was in patron services.  I don't know how many times I have heard, "I think I know who has the book and their desk is right by mine..." I have seen tempers flair and threats issued.  I have seen political weight thrown around.  I have nearly lost my job over this.  I have been referred to as radical.  Still I hold the value of confidentiality sacrosanct.

In my years in library service, I have worked in institutions which range from very liberal and very conservative.  I have seen what pressures can come to bear on someone who holds a dissenting view.  I have seen the looks of disgust when a certain book or writer is named.  That hostility can easily be transferred onto those who read those works.   Furthermore, many books that a patron may check out may be of a sensitive nature.  I myself have checked out books on health and other sensitive topics. 

I am committed to patron privacy.  Most of my patrons may not care that much.  Most may never know that I am guarding their information.  For some, however it may be their salvation. 

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