Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Patron Saint of Librarians

Who is the patron saint of librarians? Well, that is a bit of a trick question. There are at least two. St Lawrence is one and St Jerome is another. St. Lawrence is known for refusing to turn over the money of the church. He was roasted alive on a metal grid. A man with a good sense of humor, he is reported to have said, “Turn me over; I am done on this side.” He is also the patron saint of archivists.

Jerome was a scholar who translated the Bible into Latin and wrote many other books. He is said to be one of the most learned of the Western church fathers. He was also reported to have had a personal collection of books that he took with him when he became a monk. One of the legends of him was that he took a thorn out of a lions paw. Because of this, he is often depicted in his study with a lion at his feet. He is also the saint of scholars. Today is Jerome’s saint day.

So how do you choose which saint to be your patron librarian saint? Here are some suggestions. If you are in technical services, acquisitions or if you are outspoken advocate of patron privacy, I would suggest St Lawrence. Lawrence may also be a good choice for library managers. If you are an academic librarian, lean towards the scholarly side or a writer, I would choose St Jerome. Jerome is also more closely associated with books. Otherwise, choose the one that suits you the best.

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